About Us

R3PKORD, (pronounced R-THREEPCORD if you're Tom Sanladerer) or just REP-CORD for the rest of us, is a 3D printing supply company based out of Auburn California in the heart of the tranquil Sierra Nevada foothills by Alan "Pooch" Puccinelli, Founder of OpShieldsUp.org, Maker & 3D Printing Evangelist/Advocate/Supplier, #Hotmakes Co-Host, Creator, Developer, Aspiring Polymath, & full-time goofball.
Our goal? To provide high quality maker supply products at an exceptional value! We don't sell anything we haven't used (OR MADE!) ourselves, and we're ALWAYS tinkering with new stuff! Got a material you'd really love to see us carry? A must have accessory for your printer? A special filament color? We want to hear about it. Drop us a line on our contact page today.
Maker's gonna Make, so... Make On!